The twelve dishes that will prepare the moms of Cusco allude to twelve disciples of Jesus Christ. For effects of our chronicle, we will take the testimony of one citizen in Sayllapata district, Paucartambo province.
Teresa Anco Sullca counts us that the twelve dishes that will prepare in his town. The most are soups made a base to andean products. Among these mentioned: The soup of K'irku, prepared with Tarwi, chesse, milk, eggs and llullucha (algaes in form to little balls with greenish colour that it will take from the native lake). Anothers soups were: the Lisas; with pumpkin; with eggs, where it placed entire eggs of farm chicken, yellow potatoes and milk.
Also in this list are consigne the famous Q'olla Lawa (or creamed corn of sweet corn) and the Oca Lawa or Ocas soup, in case that will not cook the Pumpkin soup. We must pin down, that none of the soups brings red meat 'cause it will supose that the population are in abstinence.
A dish which mates with the table, in this date, was the corn with cooked potatoe. indicated that the potatoes that it will use for this case, were selected specially from the first harvest of the farm and it denominated Sunch'u.
Among the desserts that were cooked in the town of Teresa Anco it mentioned the stew (sweet peach, cooked with brown sugar and cinnamon), the mazamorra with white dry corn or as most know as Api, the rice pudding and the chocolate. All these foods at the end were accompanied with sweet pies, the cake pan or of Jurk'a and the small corn, that are a one specie of pastries a base of cornstach.